Released Israeli captive: Hamas treated us nicely



Tue, 24 Oct 2023 - 07:24 GMT


Tue, 24 Oct 2023 - 07:24 GMT

Yocheved Lifschitz shakes hands with Hamas militant and saying to him goodbye- screenshot from a video footage released by Hamas

Yocheved Lifschitz shakes hands with Hamas militant and saying to him goodbye- screenshot from a video footage released by Hamas

CAIRO – 24 October 2023: Israeli captive Yocheved Lifschitz, who was released on Monday by Hamas (the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement) through Egyptian mediation, revealed that she was treated nicely by Hamas while she was kept there.



Lifschitz (85) and Nurit Yitzhak (80) were released by Al-Qassam Brigades for compelling humanitarian and health reasons. It was announced by Hamas on Sunday that Israel had refused to receive them since Friday.



She said that she was taken by Hamas militant on motorbike to Gaza, where she stayed in underground tunnel, BBC reported.



Lifschitz said that the Hamas militants were giving her along with other four captives white cheeses and cucumbers to eat, the same as Hamas eat.



However, she said that during detaining her she injured with bruises and was forced first to walk few kilometers. “I went through hell, that I could not have known,” she was quoted as saying by BBC.


Egypt is in contact with concerned parties to release more Israeli captives in the coming period. It also succeeded in delivering humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, where Palestinians have been under Israeli airstrikes since October 7.




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