FM Shoukry: Attempts to distort Egyptian stance on Rafah crossing “unacceptable”



Tue, 17 Oct 2023 - 09:01 GMT


Tue, 17 Oct 2023 - 09:01 GMT

CAIRO- 17 October 2023: Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that the attempts to distort the Egyptian stance regarding the Rafah crossing border are “unacceptable.” Noting that the crossing was bombed by Israel up to four times since the biggening of the violence, and therefore it does not operate normally.

Shoukry added in statements, Tuesday that the Rafah crossing has not been officially closed by the Egyptian authorities since the beginning of the crisis in the Gaza Strip.

“Israel’s call for displacement to South of Gaza is in full contradiction to the international humanitarian law; leaving people with no water, electricity, food.

We are in constant contact with all UN agencies to extract a safe passage for the relief aid.. There is no yet any sort of authorization for a safe passage from the other side of the Crossing”. Shoukry said.

He added: “If you are asking me if Egypt can host 2.5 million inhabitants; I believe you can equally ask if UK or any EU country can adopt this policy. We saw how countries complained against influx of mere thousands of migrants, while Egypt hosts 9 million guests on land”.

In Monday statements, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that Egypt has been seeking to have the Rafah crossing permanently operational for the entry of aid, normal movement and the passage of foreigners since the beginning of the crisis outbreak; however, the Israeli government has not taken any steps that allows the crossing opening from the other side.

“We’ve been conducting communications with all world leaders, lastly with UN secretary general, who was discussing if Israel has responded to any of the initiatives to allow the humanitarian aid entry, but unfortunately, we explained that so far, we did not get any response.” Shokry said

During a joint press conference with French counterpart Catherine Colonna, on Monday Shoukry affirmed that ‘Egypt is fully prepared at any time to meet the needs of the Palestinians or to allow normal movement, but we hope that there will be a breakthrough soon for this current crisis, because the situation is serious, Palestinian people are suffering and the displacement led to additional pressures. Civilians were forced to move south without any means of aid or help’.



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