Abul Gheit calls for ending serious escalation in Gaza Strip



Wed, 11 Oct 2023 - 07:17 GMT


Wed, 11 Oct 2023 - 07:17 GMT

CAIRO – 11 October 2023: Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit called on Wednesday for ending the current serious escalation in Gaza Strip to avoid further deterioration that would jeopardize the stability of the entire region.

Addressing the emergency meeting of the Arab foreign ministers, Abul Gheit termed as unprecedented the current escalation between the Palestinians and Israelis, warning that there is a great possibility that situation will come out of control and confrontations will be expanded, a matter that could drag the region to unclear fate.

He urged all parties to exercise self restraint and consider the consequences of their acts, warning that the retaliatory acts Israel is preparing for will not bring stability to the region but on the contrary will drive the region to more acts of violence.

He reiterated rejection to acts of violence which are committed against civilians, saying killing civilians and intimidating innocent people is an unacceptable mean to achieve a noble political goal which is independence.

But he warned that the current escalation is not spur of the moment but its reasons are clear to everyone which are considering the Palestinians a security problem, creating an occupying system based on Apartheid and torpedoing two-state solution through continued settlement activities. All these reasons destroyed any prospect for a political solution and led to the current tragic situation we see now.

Ending occupation and setting up an independent Palestinian state within 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital is the only rational way to secure a safe future for both Palestinians and Israelis, the pan-Arab body chief said.

At the end, Abu Gheit said everyone is dreaming of the day we see Palestinians and Israelis live side by side in peace and security, stressing that the coming generations deserve to live away from cycles of hatred and violence





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