Egypt, Sudan work on resolving truck crowdedness problem at borders



Wed, 13 Sep 2023 - 03:28 GMT


Wed, 13 Sep 2023 - 03:28 GMT

Press Photo

Press Photo

CAIRO – 13 September 2023: Minister of Transport Kamel al-Wazir and his Sudanese counterpart Hisham Abou Zeid held the 181st meeting of the Nile Valley Authority for River Navigation to reflect on what had been accomplished over the past period.


During that period, five vessels were overhauled while five others are still in the process. Those compose 50 percent of the fleet consisting of 20 units. Moreover, a deal was signed with a private company to operate the navigation line between Egypt's Aswan and Sudan's Wadi Halfa.


Also, two logistic zones have been established on the borders in order to resolve the problem of truck crowdedness at urban crossings. Those were built in Wadi Karkar and Abou Simbel in Egypt, and they consist of cafeterias, clinics, toilets, as well as communications points so that they would coordinate with the authorities of Arkin and Qastal crossings the movement of trucks.


In that framework, the two ministers agreed on the necessity of accelerating the measures on the Sudanese side of the borders.



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