Abul Gheit highlights importance of supporting Arab Women Mediators Network



Tue, 25 Jul 2023 - 12:37 GMT


Tue, 25 Jul 2023 - 12:37 GMT

n a historic moment, 98 women in Egypt have been sworn in as the first women judges in the country’s State Council, one of its main judicial bodies that had previously been all male.

n a historic moment, 98 women in Egypt have been sworn in as the first women judges in the country’s State Council, one of its main judicial bodies that had previously been all male.

CAIRO, July 25 (MENA) - Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit stressed the importance of supporting the Arab Women Mediators Network and promoting its role at national and regional levels.

He said the Arab League is deeply interested in women mediation in peacekeeping and peace building operations, referring to a package of measures adopted by the general secretariat to support women's mediation and diplomatic role for restoring peace and security.

Addressing the third meeting of the network, he noted that the network is the first Arab and governmental women network to be an effective platform for mediation and building peace and security at regional and international levels.

He highlighted the expanded participation of women in activities in recent years.



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