Egyptian population grows by 115K in 28 days



Mon, 21 Nov 2022 - 01:50 GMT


Mon, 21 Nov 2022 - 01:50 GMT

FILE – A crowded street in Cairo

FILE – A crowded street in Cairo

CAIRO – 21 November 2022: The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) announced that the Egyptian population hit 104,228,000 on Monday, with an increase of 115,000 since October 25 (28 days).


The most three populous governorates are Cairo (10,190,429), Giza (9,440,810), and Sharqia (7,848,212).


In July, the Ministry of Health and Population announced Wednesday that the total number of visits held by women to family planning units reached 11,370,287; including visits made by 1,166,735 women who sought the service for the first time.


With regard to the number of birth control items disbursed, it recorded 14,228,298 of various types. Also, birth control services were provided to 615,545 women in the first half of 2022 through mobile clinics and medical caravans.


The women turned up to 771 birth caravans, and held a total of 13,745 visits to mobile clinics. The ministry noted that 185,942 of those women are first-timers in seeking such free-of-charge birth control services.  


As for the number of women who hit family planning clinics affiliated to civil society and actually acquired birth control items, it amounted to 98,729. The number of those clinics is 484.   


That is in addition to carrying out 8,638,730 home visits by 490,705 female rural community leaders to raise women awareness on family planning. Further, 151,360 lectures on reproductive health were held at community clubs.


To help in job creation, the ministry trained 101,884 women on handicrafts, and held 2,381 fairs for them to display their products. Moreover, 969 anti-illiteracy classes were held for rural adult females.



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