Sisi approves law to establish National Authority for Quality Accreditation of technical education



Thu, 13 Oct 2022 - 10:54 GMT


Thu, 13 Oct 2022 - 10:54 GMT

CAIRO – 13 October 2022: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi signed, Thursday law no. 160 of 2022 to establish the Egyptian National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (ETQAAN) for technical and vocational education and training.

The decree was published in the Official Gazette.

Earlier Thursday President Sisi said  that Egypt “stands on a solid ground” and can pass the impacts of the current global crisis despite its difficulties with security and stability.

Sisi made the remarks as he attended the graduation of batches of students of military colleges at the headquarters of the Military Academy in Cairo.

“We can well overcome all the existing difficulties. We are standing on a solid ground and do not have challenges as big as those faced by other nations,” Sisi said.

In address to the world, President Sisi said the current crisis will end despite its hard impact as the coronavirus, which lasted for around 2 years, passed and the world is able to live with now.

“Two years ago, everyone thought that coronavirus would be the end but it passed as many crises had passed and so will the current crisis,” the president stated.

He hailed the efforts made by the Egyptian army, police, and citizens, saying thanks to them, more than 104 million people in Egypt live with hope in tomorrow.

During the ceremony, students of the police and military academies presented the Military Academy Shield to President Sisi.



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