Does time really heal all wounds?



Tue, 23 Jan 2024 - 04:39 GMT


Tue, 23 Jan 2024 - 04:39 GMT

We all go through rough times in our lives, it is kind of inevitable whether it is a breakup, mourning the death of a loved one, or any other life ordeal. Life is not a series of lows alone or highs alone, it is a mix of both happiness and suffering; but there is always one sentence that you've probably heard more than once in your life, and that is “time heals all wounds'.
You sit back and wonder, does it actually heal wounds or is it just a cliché sentence that everybody says?
Well, it does and it doesn't at the same time but how?
Time makes you forget
And by forgetting we don't mean the whole situation, but surely some details won't be engraved in your mind as much as before. Some events turn into fractures. We may not even remember how it even started, but we can definitely remember the feeling, and remember the aftermath of the incident clearly.
Time makes you stronger
Whenever you face hardships, most of them are purely lessons that you had to learn in your life sooner or later. It is not just bad luck and you are not some kind of problem magnet, you were destined to go through all of what happened in order to be the person you are today. You will be proud of yourself later on, and on how you handled those situations.
Time makes you self-reflect
We all make mistakes that we may regret later on or think what could have been done instead, and time gives you the perfect chance to start acknowledging your past mistakes and holding yourself accountable. Time also gives you a chance to understand your emotions, to find out what aspect you actually want to change in your life and how to do it.
Overall, time has its own way in making us feel better somehow, even if it does not completely heal us from previous unfortunate events, but always remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and with the help of your family and loved ones around you, everything will eventually pass.



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