Egypt's Arkin, Qastal crossings receive over 10K Egyptian, foreign evacuees from Sudan



Wed, 26 Apr 2023 - 01:08 GMT


Wed, 26 Apr 2023 - 01:08 GMT

Evacuees from Sudan at Egyptian urban crossings in April 2023

Evacuees from Sudan at Egyptian urban crossings in April 2023

CAIRO – 26 April 2023: The Egyptian General Authority of Urban and Dry Ports issued a statement Wednesday indicating that the number of evacuees through Egyptian urban crossings with Sudan had recorded 10,194 belonging to different nationalities.


Evacuees 2


The breakdown is 8,897 passing through Arkin, and 1,297 others through Qastal on April 21-25. Buses were made available to transport the evacuees to other locations in Egypt, while meals and medicines were provided by the Egyptian Red Crescent.


The statement clarified that a number of embassies in Cairo, such as those of China and Norway, had coordinated with Egypt's ministries of foreign affairs and transportation among other state bodies to facilitate the entry of their nationals and provide them with the necessary care upon arrival.  


The statement noted that officials at the Chinese Embassy in Cairo had awarded the manager of Qastar Land Port a trophy shield as a sign of appreciation for his efforts. They also hailed the Egyptian political leadership and all concerned state agencies.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Tuesday the evacuation of 635 Egyptian citizens from Sudan upping the total to 1,539, as 189 were flown back, while 446 crossed urban borders.


Coordination is underway to evacuate a number of Egyptian families on flights that would take off from an airport located near the capital, Khartoum, once the security conditions improve.



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