In an ever-increasingly digital world, we have become so consumed with the extensive hours we spend on our phones. We cannot deny that social media has given us a lot to compare ourselves to, more than any time before. Digitally touching up our faces through those non-ending Instagram filters was all fun and games until all these artificial enhancement has taken its toll on our perception of beauty and has shaken our confidence in how we look.
It is not hard to tell that there is a growing dissatisfaction with appearance and aesthetics. Even the most resilient users will be tempted to try some filters to smoothen the skin, fill the lips, or enhance the jawline and cheekbones. A decline in self-esteem is growing in parallel with the rising obsession with Instagram filters where a large number of women want to fit into the beauty mould of these face-tuning and retouching applications.
We live in the era of plastic surgeries.
We are witnessing a rapid increase in plastic surgeries and non-surgical treatments like Botox and fillers. With some women resorting to filters excessively, they begin to doubt if they are even beautiful without them, wondering why there lips are not luscious or why their cheekbones and face features are not defined enough. Aiming at bringing that filtered look to reality, there is a significant rise in the field of plastic surgeries.
Loss of identity and individuality is on the rise.
Beauty measures that were once relative have now become standardized. Women are now striving to fit into a certain beauty standard, failing to appreciate their own uniqueness and individuality. In an age where beauty is only defined by flawless skin and sharp, defined features, it comes as no surprise that women begin to question their beauty and feel less confident about their appearance. In seeking fitting in the new beauty standards, women are risking losing their identity and uniqueness.
We need to normalize and embrace imperfections.
Here is where the role of bloggers and influencers come to play. While many women begin to suffer from a lower self-esteem resulting from constantly checking on-fleek pictures of public figures and bloggers, gladly Egyptian beauty experts and influencers such as Youssra El Gamal and Logina Salah are smartly employing their social platforms for a good cause aiming at encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty and feel confident in their own skin, and this is the kind of change we need to see more of.
How can women immune their self-esteem?
1. Use Affirmations. Self-talk plays a great role in how we feel. Use positive affirmations and mantras such as “I am worthy of love and respect the way I am.” or “I don’t have to be perfect to be loved or accepted.” This helps you in overcoming your insecurities and feel confident in your own skin.
2. Unfollow or mute accounts that cause you to feel less about yourself. If some accounts that you follow make you constantly feel bad or affect your self-esteem, unfollow them immediately. Be selective about the kind of posts you want to fill your feed with.
3. Be grateful. Honor your body, your health, and be grateful to the many blessings God has given you. There is so much beauty within you that you may not be able to notice until you pause, ponder, and appreciate how blessed you are.
4. Surround yourself with confident women. Confident women empower one another, they leave no room for competition or female rivalry. Surround yourself with fellow women who bring you up instead of taking you down. This is the type of company you need.
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