Are you aiming for an A+? Many people struggle to pass their exams or get the desired grades. Maybe the problem is all about your studying habits or routine and all you need is a different method.
Each educational stage is harder than the previous one; high school subjects are more difficult than middle school ones and studying at university is more difficult than both. Therefore, you need to identify a suitable method for all your educational stages. Here is a guide that will help you to improve your studying performance.
Pay attention in class
Listening attentively and actively will keep you engaged during class, helping you stay focused on what’s being said and taking notes the way you find easier for studying. Don’t skip your classes as this leaves gaps in your notes and causes a lack of comprehension that will later make you depend on memorizing rather than comprehending; depending on memorization only will get you so far as the first step in memorization should be making sure you understand the material.
Take Notes
Writing clear and complete notes during classes will help make things easier. Moreover, they will become a study guide and an additional source to study from. Take extra notes while studying that focus on key concepts rather than minor details; study the points that your instructor pointed out in class then, while studying try to figure out how the minor details and examples in your class notes or text help you better understand the main points.
Make a Studying Plan
Figure out what studying methods work best for you. For example, reach out to your classmates to support each other by forming a study group to go together over the material, brainstorm, and explain what you understand to your colleagues and vice versa. Save your e-books, PDFs, and PowerPoints in a way that you can reach them from any device. Rewrite your notes with extra information to create a study guide; it will help you review the material later.
Dedicate a Space for Studying
It’s preferable to have a desk or a table for studying and necessary to have good lighting and remove any distractions that might break your focus; like any electronic devices. Turn off any sound source and silence your phone so you won’t be tempted to check it; try using an app or a website that can block social media apps and any other distracting apps during your studying time. Keep your studying materials as organized as possible in this specific place to make it easy to find what you need without wasting time searching for your papers, notebooks, or texts.
Make a schedule
Rather than trying to study all the subjects on the same day, plan to study each on a separate day. Start by choosing the time of day when you feel the most focused and energized. If you participate in any sports or activities, keep it in your mind when planning your studies then, decide which subjects you’ll study. Keep your studying schedule on your desk or stick it on the wall so you can see it every day. Consider your break time in your schedule or try the Pomodoro technique; trying to focus for too long can cause fatigue, take a break so you’ll be refreshed and ready to continue studying.
Create a Healthy Routine
Get proper sleep, exercise, and go for nutritious food. Mental and physical health are co-related, this is why you should look after your wellbeing, physically and emotionally, as our bodies need good care to allow us to learn better. As for food choices, opt for healthy snacks instead of sweets or chips as this will make you feel energized and keep your mind focused. Maintain a consistent sleep routine, sleeping 8-10 hours a night is essential for your brain health. It’s better to use daytime hours for studying as our bodies are more active during the day than at night. Be aware of your caffeine intake in order not to suffer from insom
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