Monthly forum for gifted children to be held



Sun, 10 Sep 2017 - 03:32 GMT


Sun, 10 Sep 2017 - 03:32 GMT

The National Organization for Cultural Palaces logo [photo: official Facebook page]

The National Organization for Cultural Palaces logo [photo: official Facebook page]

CAIRO – 10 September 2017: Ashraf Aamer, director of the National Organization for Cultural Palaces, announced on Saturday that the organization will hold a monthly forum going forward to encourage gifted children in the arts scene.

Amer also emphasized that El Kateb wi El Rasaam El Sagheer magazine (The Writer and the Young Painter) should be published every season as opposed to annually.
Rewarding talent with monetary awards, Aamer highlighted the importance of encouraging children to develop their strengths.

In an announcement speech, Aamer addressed families to look for talents and skills in their children, which he said would “protect” the children from “extremist thinking”. He also advised children to manage their time well between academic commitments and the arts.
A number of activities are featured in the forums including fine art, storytelling, music, and poetry.



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