Films participate in 12th session of Nouakshort Film Festival



Wed, 26 Jul 2017 - 08:03 GMT


Wed, 26 Jul 2017 - 08:03 GMT

Nouakshort Film Festival- Official Facebook Page

Nouakshort Film Festival- Official Facebook Page

CAIRO – 26 July 2017: The twelfth session of Nouakshort International Film Festival was launched in Mauritania on Sunday, July 23.

Twelve international films and 16 Mauritanian films participate in the festival that will last for 5 days competing for the prizes of international competition of festival.

Arab films are among films participating in the festival such as the Egyptian film ‘Aalia’ directed by the director of the short film festival in Alexandria Mohamed.

Mauritanian House of Cinematographers organizes the festival attended by Mauritanian youth directors that have tried to tackle the challenges and problems faced by the rising generation and get rid of ethnic and national differences.

“The festival this year is special as the national films are directed by Mauritanian youth directors after most of the films participated in the competition in the past were supported by the Mauritanian House of Cinematographers,” said the director of the festival Mawlod Aida.

In addition, guests and directors from Egypt, Oman, Senegal, France, Algeria, Morocco and Saudi Arabia attend the festival.

Nouakshort International Film Festival, founded on April 3, 2006, is the first film festival to be held in the capital of Mauritania.

Its last session tackled some challenges faced by the Arab society on the top of which came extremism.



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